

“When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.” by Canada's PM Harper

Saturday 29 September 2012

Who is the victim who is the terrorist - the case study of Gilat Schalit

Gilad Shalit was a 19 years old Israeli boy when it has started. He still has all appearances of a boy although he is older and has been through ordeal taht - thankfully - will never be the fate of most of us.

On 25 June 2006 when Gilad was still a 19 years old boy serving in the army (as is mandatory for most Israelis) he was captured by Hamas terrorists. It happened not in Gaza but in Israel, during regular patrol, not any kind of military action and was done by terrorists who crossed illegally through underground tunnel into Israel in exactly this purpose - to kill and capture Israelis.
During this raid 2 Israeli soldiers were killed and 3 other (apart from Schalit) wounded. Gilad, wounded himself, was captured.

For over 5 years he was kept in undisclosed location in Gaza, Hamas turned down all requests form International Red Cross to visit him or pass him letters. He had no contact with outside world. Just for the proof he is still alive Israel, in 2009,had to release many women terrorists.

For over 5 years there was no contact and - in opinion of many - no hope for Shalit's life.
Yet the family, the Israeli authorities and many people of good will in the whole world didn't give up on him. Negotiations were tried, broken by Hams were resurrected, new, sounding absurdly conditions have been met...

In June 2011, at the 5th anniversary of his capture by terrorists in Dublin - where regularly huge crowds support Palestinians and from where 2 flotilla boats have started (notably, none was carrying any help for Gaza, just "making the point" as organisers stated, yet they have refused to even mention Gilad Shalit to Hamas - he was not worth their attention apparently) tiny demonstration was organised in support of Gilad Shalit and to show his inhuman ordeal at the hands of Hamas. I was privilaged to take part in it.

After over 5 years for the price of over 1,000 terrorists collectively responsible for death of 569 Israelis, some of them children, Gilad Shalit returned to Israel. He is a free man again!
One of the things I always admired about Israel was never leaving their people behind. I very much doubt if the government of my country would go to 3% of the effort Israeli authorities put into freeing Shalit!

As you can imagine he returned in bad shape and it took time and effort to bring him back to normal life.
Recognising his agony in long captivity and his ordeal as the victim of terrorists Spanish soccer club
has awarded him a medal.

And now the same people who captured Gilad after crossing to Israel, held him in captivity against all international rules, threatened death on him and exchanged him for over 1,000 murderers have the stamine to call for boycott of Spanish soccer, and to tell them how they feel offended by their act.
Tell me: who is the terrorist and who is the victim?
Does the world care? No! It does not pay attention that terrorist feel offended by calling their victim - a victim. The same would be true for you, or me or your neighbour. Nobody would care! Some would say it makes a great point (like Gaardner in his book for children where he approves taking child from parents to make political point and gives fictiuous facts).

But I believe there are still people willing to call a spade a spade.
So - who is the victim? And who is terrorist? And whom does Barcelona soccer players support?

BTW I would really like to thank them very much!

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