

“When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.” by Canada's PM Harper

Saturday 29 September 2012

Who is the victim who is the terrorist - the case study of Gilat Schalit

Gilad Shalit was a 19 years old Israeli boy when it has started. He still has all appearances of a boy although he is older and has been through ordeal taht - thankfully - will never be the fate of most of us.

On 25 June 2006 when Gilad was still a 19 years old boy serving in the army (as is mandatory for most Israelis) he was captured by Hamas terrorists. It happened not in Gaza but in Israel, during regular patrol, not any kind of military action and was done by terrorists who crossed illegally through underground tunnel into Israel in exactly this purpose - to kill and capture Israelis.
During this raid 2 Israeli soldiers were killed and 3 other (apart from Schalit) wounded. Gilad, wounded himself, was captured.

For over 5 years he was kept in undisclosed location in Gaza, Hamas turned down all requests form International Red Cross to visit him or pass him letters. He had no contact with outside world. Just for the proof he is still alive Israel, in 2009,had to release many women terrorists.

For over 5 years there was no contact and - in opinion of many - no hope for Shalit's life.
Yet the family, the Israeli authorities and many people of good will in the whole world didn't give up on him. Negotiations were tried, broken by Hams were resurrected, new, sounding absurdly conditions have been met...

In June 2011, at the 5th anniversary of his capture by terrorists in Dublin - where regularly huge crowds support Palestinians and from where 2 flotilla boats have started (notably, none was carrying any help for Gaza, just "making the point" as organisers stated, yet they have refused to even mention Gilad Shalit to Hamas - he was not worth their attention apparently) tiny demonstration was organised in support of Gilad Shalit and to show his inhuman ordeal at the hands of Hamas. I was privilaged to take part in it.

After over 5 years for the price of over 1,000 terrorists collectively responsible for death of 569 Israelis, some of them children, Gilad Shalit returned to Israel. He is a free man again!
One of the things I always admired about Israel was never leaving their people behind. I very much doubt if the government of my country would go to 3% of the effort Israeli authorities put into freeing Shalit!

As you can imagine he returned in bad shape and it took time and effort to bring him back to normal life.
Recognising his agony in long captivity and his ordeal as the victim of terrorists Spanish soccer club
has awarded him a medal.

And now the same people who captured Gilad after crossing to Israel, held him in captivity against all international rules, threatened death on him and exchanged him for over 1,000 murderers have the stamine to call for boycott of Spanish soccer, and to tell them how they feel offended by their act.
Tell me: who is the terrorist and who is the victim?
Does the world care? No! It does not pay attention that terrorist feel offended by calling their victim - a victim. The same would be true for you, or me or your neighbour. Nobody would care! Some would say it makes a great point (like Gaardner in his book for children where he approves taking child from parents to make political point and gives fictiuous facts).

But I believe there are still people willing to call a spade a spade.
So - who is the victim? And who is terrorist? And whom does Barcelona soccer players support?

BTW I would really like to thank them very much!

Sunday 23 September 2012

Yom Kippur

The Yom Kippur is approaching.
The most holy day in Judaism!

At Jewish New Year - Rosh Hashana - that I was writing about it is believed that people are to be inscribed into books of life for the following year (or not), but the verdict is sealed 10 days later on the Day of Atonment - Yom Kippur.

We have these 10 days to apologies, regret, seek forgiveness and grant forgiveness to those who are seeking it from us.

Yom Kippur is the holiday kept often even by otherwise totally secular Jews. It is the day when many go to synagogues even if it is the only occasion for them during the year when they do so.
Also all observant Jews (and quite a number of secular ones) fast on this day abstaining from work, food, drinks (water included) and sex.

In Israel on Yom Kippur one of the popular activities is hiking the highways as no traffic is present on this day. You may enjoy long walks on routes beaming with traffic on any other day and  it is definitely a unique possibility to experience them on foot :).

On the eve of Yom Kippur the special prayer - very well know for its melody - is intoned: Kol Nidre.

It is to free praying form all vows undertaken and not fulfilled during the previous year.
This was used by anti-Semites throughout centuries to point a finger at Jews as not trustworthy as they will free from obligations on the eve of Yom Kippur. But this accusation only shows lack of understanding of what Kol Nidre is. It has nothing to do with obligations between people which of course must b kept. It is to atone and apologies and free from vows to God specially taken at times of fear or despair or under a pressure (like forced conversion at the time of inquisition). So it "only" deals with relation between human and God and is specially focused on human weakness that makes one make vows frivolously or under threat and than not keep them.

There is one more - historic - occasion we should remember. The Yom Kippur war of 1973 when on the dawn of this highest holiday when most of soldiers were on a leave at homes joined armies of Syria and Egypt attacked Israel without provocation. For months Egypt and Syria were preparing this strike helped by USSR exporting large quantities of weapons into these countries. The war during the first 3 days brought Israel on a verge of destruction (and of course this is what Egypt and Syria were after) and only during subsequent weeks things changed but with heavy casualties on both sides.
And we owe it to honesty, ourselves and our critical senses to remember this treacherous attack so often forgot today...

May you all find yourselves in the books of life!

Monday 17 September 2012

National Parks and nature reserves

Israel is a very small country. Smaller than Belgium and approximately 1/4 size of Ireland - countries not known for being huge :)
And she has 8 million citizens! (just hit the mark) It is the same population as Ireland had at the verge of Great Famine and which was considered to be horrible overpopulation.

Yet is this small, densly populated and in 60% consisting of desert country there is still space for protected areas - 67 of them! Some are archeological parks, others are nature reserves. Wildlife is blooming in many places and is carefully and lovingly protected!

As most migratory birds are unable to fly on long distances over the sea in their yearly journeys to/ from Europe and they tend to choose the way over Turkey and Dardanele rather than straight through the Mediterranean Sea and only than turn towards Africa; Israel is on the road of their travels. Millions of birds come here every year (in fact twice a year) and are able to find their deserved rest.

In the first half of XX century Israel was still malarial country with marshes helping sustain great mosquito populations. Most have been drained and malaria, cured sistematically, disappeared. But some of the marshes were left specially to serve for the wellbeing of migratory birds.
During the time of fighting malarial marshes one of the Jewish immigrants from Australia remembered eucalyptus trees that can suck lots of water from the ground (or so it was believed). The trees were introduced. They didn't help with drying marshes as their roots went deep under to reach the reservoirs of fresh, clean water, but their presence in the country helped years later to introduce carefully coala bears. There are approximately 30-40 pairs of them (gift from Australian authorities) living free in Israel!

Israelis not only create and maintain the protected areas, they also love to visit them. And Rosh Hashana is the holiday when it is especially popular to visit natural reserves.

Let me show you some of my pictures taken in Israeli National Parks and nature reserves.
Today I just want to share the beauty of this amazing country :).


73 years ago, on September 17th USSR attacked Poland joining its ally, Nazi Germany. Had it not been for the situation in Manchuria maybe Stalin wouldn't decide on it fearing too much engagement on the west. But situation in Manchuria resolved according to Soviet wishes and by the beginning of October Nazi and Soviet armies were holding joint parade. The consequences of the war we all know...

 34 years ago, on September 17th in Camp David, USA the accords were signed that brought peace treaty in 1979 between Israel and Egypt.
After first enthusiasm this soon became what was known as "cold peace" and maybe today, specially looking at situation on Sinai, we tend to diminish importance of this accord yet it has to be remembered that this accord was agreed upon only 11 years after 6 days war when former Egyptian president, Nasser, was calling for destruction of Israel and only 5 years (not even!) after Yom Kippur war. 
President Anwar Sadat came to Jerusalem, visited Yad Vashem and for quite few years the situation was normal and for many subsequent years it was bearable (and let's hope it will be so). Sadat was assassinated for entering into peace agreement with Israel, yet peace was kept for years and still has a chance even in changed circumstances.

The same date, different years, very different outcome.

Just my reflections on history...

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Dialogue not violence, but how to achieve it?

And this time it will remotely touch the Israel's subject dealing more with the situation in the region.
Tonight two American embassies - in Benghazi, Libya and in Cairo, Egypt were attacked by mob of angry Islamists. One American was killed, one seriously wounded and buildings were burned and looted.

Here are links to the story
Attacks on American embassies
Attacks - another link

The movie which, supposedly, triggered attacks seems pretty harsh on Islam from the description (however I don't know the film) and in a bad taste. Yet attacking in Cairo the embassy of the country which gives 1.3 billion $ help to Egypt yearly over the film that has nothing to do with the authorities of this country shows the mentality of attackers. And it is horrifying and scary to much greater extend that any bad movie could be.
Yes, it should be unacceptable to try to shame people's religion, political views, ethnic background or whatever else. But it was done more than once to ALL (Christianity, Judaism, all races, all political views, probably most nations). Moreover it is on daily basis done in the very same Arab countries that were the scene of attacks - they depict Judaism, Jews, Christianity and Western values as well as - notoriously - Israel and the USA as well as many other countries in the worst possible light, using deliberate lies and staging the non-existent facts.
Yet they consider the reverse not a case of bad taste but a crime for which all are responsible. There is no concept of free speech in those countries so any press article, picture, movie or photo they don't like may put in danger (and does) embassies, tourists from Western countries, workers from Western countries and so on. They might not even heard about this movie/ picture/ article. Or the may not agree with it. They may get killed for it anyway.

And this is something as horrible as can be!

Why am I writing about it in blog about Israel? Well, recently I read a letter to publisher of one of the big magazines in response to article about Israel. There were few responses, but one was accusing Israel for not developing good neighborhood links with countries in the region. The author of the letter was Danish.
I read and thought: how on Earth are you supposed to develop "good neighborly relationships" with countries who day after your country came into being send armies (7 in total) to attack you as they don't like you? Countries who (Nasser and his allies before 6-day-war) declare they are after wiping you of the map and murdering all your citizens? Countries who tolerate (even if not collaborate with) terrorist organizations that send suicide bombers to attack your civil population randomly? Who take water and electricity from you and claim you treat them as Nazis did Jews (half of 6 million Jews in Europe died due to conditions in ghettos and shooting, only the other half died in gas chambers -in 5 years; Palestinian population has quadrupled but it is in their eyes "extermination)? How do you do it?

How can you have good,  safe relationship with a country that accepts your huge financial help and shoots your citizens and burns your embassy over a movie (however tasteless) that a private person in your country did?
Would they help financially/ in humanitarian way the USA or Israel or UK or Germany if they needed it? I don't think so.... They receive help and threat to kill if they don't like whatever little thing that happens in the benefactor's country. WOW!

PS Only after writing this have I learned that in the incident (to put it mildly) in Benghazi US ambassador and 3 other diplomats were murdered

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Rosh Hashana

The High Holidays are approaching. In Jewish calender the first two days of Tishrei is when Rosh Hashanah is observed. This year it will start on the 16th of September at sunset.

Rosh Hashanah is the beginning of the new year. It is celebrating the world's birthday - time when God decide to create universe. It also symbolises the beginning of change, of new life for us.
According to tradition it is between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (10 days later) that people may be inscribed (or not) into the books of life. It is decided who will live for the next year and who will perish. Therefore we should prepare ourselves for meeting with our Creator. Improve ourselves, make peace between us and our neighbours and us and God. And that is the most important, significant part of this holiday.
The accent is on our repentance, our sincere evaluation of our own approaches, deeds, sins. We should make peace with people whom we did wrong. We should correct our misdeeds and think how can we become better people. Rosh HaShanah is all about making peace in the community and striving to be a better person.

And I love this approach. Because evry way we plan to travel, every betterment we should start with ourselves. It is human to miss the point, to fall into misdeeds and misbehaviour, to sin. But it is also human to be able to correct it, to improve, to struggle to be a better person, to apologise.... And this examining our soul, our approach, our good will should walk with us througout the life.
It often does not.
So it is very important that at least once a year we truly try to remember to make peace with others, apology for our lacks and wrongdoings, to try to improve.

And Rosh Hashanah is a very, very joyfull holiday. It is not about fear of incoming judgement, this holiday is about joy that we still have time and opportunity to improve, to understand our sins, to offer appologies....
There is one more chance for us to become better people. Better for our neighbours. Better in loving God's eyes.

I wish all of you this Rosh Hashanah's joy in your lives. We can do better. Our Creator eqipped us to be able to better the world!!!!!

Friday 7 September 2012

Canadian bravery!

Canada expels Iran's diplomats

I praise the move of Canadian government. That is because I totally agree that Iran is now the biggest threat to world's peace and all should cooperate in stopping this threat.

It is not "just" about Israel (as if destroying country, repeating Holocaust and starting nuclear war, and that is what Iran declares could approach any "just"); Iran' s gaining, let alone using nuclear weapon would herald the beginning of IIIWW. And many countries (including most European ones) behave like France and UK in Munich in 1938! As if it was about somebody else.
It is NOT! And let us not repeat the sad and recurrent refrain of human history: "to soon, to soon .....   sorry, to late!

Canada, you are brave!

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Denying Jewishness of Jerusalem

Abbas denies Jerusalem links to Judaism

Jerusalem, the city conquered by David 3,000 years ago was for over 1,000 capital of Jewish state, place of the temple, place where Shechina was present.
First temple built by Solomon was destroyed by Babylonians and repleced by the second one, from which there still remain remnants.

After conquering the city during Jewish revolt of 66 by Romans and destroying the temple (it was built so solidly that fire was not enough, they really had to put lots of effort to dispose of it; but after 4 years of revolt requiring 3 legions to deal with the Romans wanted to dispose of any sign of Jerusalem, not only the city was destroyed, it was renamed Aelia Capitolina) Jews were temporary banned from it. But as soon as there was any possibility they started visiting Jerusalem and settling in her.

For 2 millenia in Sedar prayer there was expressed the hope that "next year we will meet in Jerusalem".
Despite hostility from Christians and later Muslims Jews were living in Jerusalem and arriving there because it was the unique place for them in the whole world. Nothing has changed.

During Jordanian occupation all Jews were expelled and banned from entering the part of Jerusalem belonging to Jordan. Yet in 1950 the western part of Jerusalem became the capital of the state of Israel, and government and Knesset were placed there. It remains for me a kind of puzzle why so many countries still refuse to recognise it as the illusion of international status of Jerusalem (originally planned by UN in resolution from 1947) never came into being: firstly: resolution was rejected by Arabs (so it's not binding and never was), secondly, the peace was broken by 7 Arab armies trying to destroy Israel and that means the new arrangments were due, thirdly before 6 days war Jordan was occupying part of Jerusalem even checking baptismal certificates to make sure no Jews would enter the city (which was absolutely in breach of international law) yet no country questioned it.

Jerusalem, long before 6 days war and well over 60 years is now the capital of Israel.

Israeli authorities never denied the meaning of Jerusalem for Christians and Muslims. All are allowed to practice their religion freely and the Temple Mount remains under Muslim authority guaranteed by Dayan right after the end of 6 days war.

What a startling contrast with what Palestinian (and some other Arab) authorities imply!!!
How is it possible in view of what Bible says, what archeological findings show, what we witness and have witnessed for millenia day after day after day to try to deny Jerusalem Jewishness??? It does not mean it bears importance for Jews alone. However we have to remember that Jesus was Jewish rabbi (and that is why he preached in Jerusalem, was crucified there, and that is why it is so important a place for Christians) and early Muslims wanted Jerusalem as they took it from Jewish Bible that it will be the place where the end of the world will come. As all new religions early Islam was heavily focused on the end of days and that was why they felt they need Jerusalem! All the paths lead back to Jerusalem's meaning for Jews!

Centuries passed and nobody in their right mind today denies that it is very important place for Christians or Muslims. Yet nobody should forget how it came about and that it was (and is) Jewish capital, Jewish place of worship incorporating 3 millenia of Jewish history!