

“When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.” by Canada's PM Harper

Thursday 25 October 2012

Contemporary anti-semitism

Please watch it!

Here Dr Martin Luther King Jr. shows the "antizionism" for what it is - modern antisemitism, of which one may speak without shame in Europe, in the USA, in other democratic countries....
But is it really without shame? It shouldn't be!

Many bad deeds (occasionally crimes) have been committed by authorities of democratic and developed countries. I think many more than by Israeli authorities who are certainly no saints (no authorities are). It is enough to read Israeli newspapers to find really strong criticism of Israeli authorities on whatever grounds you wish (choosing right newspaper). In contrast to all the other countries in region there is absolute freedom of speech in Israel!

Going back to antizionism - look at UK with its policy towards Ireland in 60s and war with Argentine over Falkland Islands; look at Ireland and her president being former member of terrorist organization; look at France with war in Algeria (with tortures on captives), starting war in Rwanda that finished in genocide with president Mitterand's son arrested on new years eve in West-African country for selling illegal weapons on massive scale; look at Italy with its link to Gaddafi and Libya for years; look at Russia sending girls to gulag for performance and so on and so on. I could put more examples (ALL after II WW and end of colonialism), but that serves nothing.

Still has ANYONE been calling on one of these countries to cease existing? sending all their citizens "to oven" like the lady on the movie? (exceptionally cruel thing to say considering circumstances) calling for killing all of them (like Hamas or Hezbollah or Ahmadinajed or ALL Palestinian authorities) or tolerating it conscienceless like EU? Calling for boycotting all their goods (impossible as more than half medical and IT technology would have to be banned in Europe but showing the case - even in REALLY rouge South African regime boycott was called ONLY towards firms and products of the regime and not towards artists/ scientists/ private entrepreneurs?

What antizionism is really about is treating Jews according double standards refusing them right to their country, right to self-governance, often right to live! Accusing them of plots on international scale, repeating lies of Nazis and pre-Vatican II catholic church!

So, if you are antizionist you stand for those who took people's (not only Jewish, but theirs always, they were accompanied by other victims on each and every stand and turn of history) dignity and humanity politically and than committed murder as "they were not murdering people" (Chinese in Nankin, or Philippines were not human for Japanese during II WW, Jews and Poles were not human for Nazi Germany, Indians were not human for Americans and British before up to late XIX century I would say, blacks, Jews and women were not human for many throughout history).

It is THIS mentality behind  antizionism - nothing new, still awful as can be. Don't make mistake: people behind boycott-everybody movement, calling for requiring Israeli scientist to condemn their government to enter Ireland (chairman of Irish trade union), showing Israel as the first target while officially being catholic charity (Trocaire - never caring for Christians in Egypt, Syria, Nigeria, never caring for people living in regimes like Cuban or Korean or Chinese but calling for boycott of Israel where it's good to be Christian) and ANTISEMITES!!!!!

Sunday 21 October 2012

Whom would YOU like to help?


Gaza is on the 6th position (according to WHO) when it comes to endangerment with men obesity! It also receives the highest in the world help per capita, the financial help, electricity from Israel (yes, the same Israel they are sending rockets into). It has border with Israel AND Egypt, its residents receive medical help in Israeli hospitals (one of the best in the world) when necessary. No humanitarian crisis whatsoever exists there (accoring to NGOs and UN that are not known for their sympathy towards Israel).

Yes, it is hell to live in - because there is no democracy, no freedom of speech, no gender rights, no freedom of religion, homosexuality is forbidden under capital punishment and totalitarian government is quick to apply capital punishment or long imprisonment for anything it doesn't like. It is no place to be if one can avoid it. Same goes for any regime in the world! But it is no fault of other countries.

It is a place from where over 10,000 rockets where sent to Israel aiming at civilian population. It is a place where Gilad Shalit was been held hostage for over 5 years, it is a place where women are forced to merry at the age of 11 (often), and for befriending Israeli citizen capital punishment is not rarity (under the accusation of "spying").

It is a place where Hamas - oficially terrorist organisation - rules and in its charter it has calling for destroying Israel and murdering Jews.

Syria is in desperate humanitarian state. With ongoing civil war and slaughter of over 150,000 civilians it is quickly becoming one of the worst places on Earth one may find oneself in. Yet it is rarely covered by media and no humanitarian help on larger scale is offered. Partly because it is too dangerous to deliver it partly because nobody cares.

Yesterday a ship was intercepted by Israeli forces. Ship sailing to Gaza in intention of breaking LEGAL blocade. It was the 3rd attempt and in previous cases there were quite few instances where no aid at all was on the ships - just anti-Israeli activists (no, no pro-Palestinian, as they don't care why Hamas murders Palestinians, they just hate Israel). Moreover the help that WAS on those ships could be and usually was transfered peacefully to Gaza. The blocade is to prevent weapon entering Gaza and not aid (with 10,000 rockets falling on Israel since establishing authonomy and numerous attempts at suicide bombings no wonder it is so).

Now, whom would YOU like to help?

Friday 19 October 2012

When UN was preparing report....

I wanted to share with you a piece of memoirs by a Jewish girl, 6-years-oldat the time in 1947 when UN commission was working in British mandate to establish facts. She was living in the Old City (as her family for last 5-6 generations) and this is how she recoils the atmosphere when shopping with her mother on Arab market (as for years):

" We left the vegetable market and turned into a dark, narrow alleyway. Everywhere we saw black eyes glittering with hatred. As we passed the vendors fell silent and little Arab boys stopped to point at us and run their fingers across their throats. The meaning was clear: Just you wait... soon we will slaughter you!
We walked a few more steps, and I held on to Imma (mother) so tightly that I couldn't even tremble. If only we were home! Imma walked faster, dragging me along. Why, why did we ever go to the shuk? From inside the shops and from both sides of the street all eyes were turned on us... fiery eyes, burning with hatred. Finally we were out of their sight.
"I was so scared" I said, my relief now evident. "Do you know who I felt like?"
"Who my darling?"
"Like Little Red Riding Hood when the wolf was about to swallow her. Did you see their eyes? They were staring at us from every corner. Not just the eyes of one wolf, like in the story. Many, many wolves were lying in wait for us, waiting for their pray."

Puah made her mum promise never to go to shuk again. For me - mother myself - it doesn't take a lot to imagine how concentrated hatred it had to be to be so perceived by 6-years-old and recalled after long years.
Today some people talk how the peaceful state was possible in 1947. They relay on legends  by some pro-Arab activists. The reality was hatred as described (even before voting) and attack on new-born Israel by 7 Arab armies a day after its proclamation.

Certainly there were fanatics and peace-sicker on both sides, there always are, but as Jews were concentrated on the task of building their country and overjoyed to have it (even small), Arabs were concentrated not on developing their part of former British mandate - had it been so maybe 2-state solution would have been something we would know and never asked if possible - but on estroying Jewish part.

Just think - how much hatred does it take for a child to feel it, remember it and recall it after 30 years as described above.....

Thursday 4 October 2012

Equal and more equal countries?

Yesterday Turkey has been hit by a mortar shoot from Syria's territory.

Leaving apart all speculations as to who did it and was it purposeful it happened and people got killed! That is always a tragedy, specially as the victim was mother with 4 children!

Turkey's PM stated that Turkey won't allow such aggression towards its citizens and responded with fire aimed at Syria. NATO was called hurriedly to gather as Turkey is a member, UN was notified, EU took stance, media described.

And everybody reported it as invasion of Turkey's space, killing its citizens and Turkey's response to this violence. Quite properly.

I can't help but think with rage and sadness that when Israeli children were hit by suicide bombers the world was silent! When 1,000 rockets a year (!) is shoot into Israel from Gaza it is not even reported but every Israeli response is pictured as aggression without mentioning the attack. When few days ago terrorists killed IDF soldiers who stopped them while heavily armored they were heading towards Israel media only reported killing two of the terrorists in response without mentioning  Israeli victims. When million Israelis spend 3 days in emergency hiding because of rocket fire it is not even news. And Israel is - likewise Turkey - a member of UN (though it seems this UN helps only Israeli enemies) and NATO. Has stronger economic links with EU than Turkey does. And yet....

When the fire from the same Syrian conflict caused evacuation of tourists from Mt. Hermon in Israel nobody cared.

So, are there equal and more equal states? Isn't it purely Orwellian how Israel gets blame for attack on her while everybody understands response on aggression while another country does it?

Wednesday 3 October 2012

About media coverage and facts

victims and aggressors

Heavily armed terrorists opened fire on Israeli soldiers at the border with Sinai. 20-year-old corporal, Netanel Yahalomi, was slain by a bullet to the head and that another trooper was wounded. no mention about it appeared in media in Europe. Neither was it said that the Israelis were set upon by a group intent on a large-scale homicidal spree. Its members carried explosives, suicide belts, an RPD machine gun, rocket-propelled grenades, hand grenades, Kalashnikovs and ammunition. These men, though in civilian garb, weren’t out on a leisurely stroll.

Yet, when  in reciprocal attack 3 of those terrorists were killed the titles everywhere went saying in capital letters: Three Palestinians shoot in Sinai.
The average person, not knowing much about ME - as most people are (we can't all be educated about everything, some knowledge we just have from everyday papers and we don't try to verify it) probably has the picture of IDF chasing some stone -throwing Arab boys and feel outraged (well, stone throwing is not nice but hardly a reason to shot somebody). They have no idea about the murderous spree, Israeli victims, the ongoing battle to save lives.

BTW these are not only Jewish lives (as if it mattered; humans are humans), but also those of Israeli Arabs, tourists from around the world or African illegal immigrants whom those soldiers were trying to save - yes they were illegals but that didn't mean they should perish of thist somewhere on the desert.
Now - compare it with shooting by Egyptian/ Libyan or Sudanese soldiers to such immigrants or simply with over 1,000 those who have drowned at Mediterranean Sea this year only trying to get to Europe (some sent SOS signals which were ignored by European ships).

And now let me ask you a question (nearly as the one addressed to jury in "A time to kill" movie:)) : if the territory of the country of your residency where you live with your family was constantly attacked by terrorists, rockets and by such suicidal terrorists trying to get inside and just kill as many as possible wouldn't you want your border patrols to prevent it? Wouldn't you think that maybe tey saved the life of your child?
Would you regret so much those with bombs, suicide belts and kalashnikovs or rather their potential victims?

Now, why is it that European papers consider those who go to murder so "heroic" and worthy and those who just try to live their lives without harming anybody not important?

And if you feel it as ridicule and evil as I do (I admit it) share this information with whoever you can.