

“When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.” by Canada's PM Harper

Thursday 4 October 2012

Equal and more equal countries?

Yesterday Turkey has been hit by a mortar shoot from Syria's territory.

Leaving apart all speculations as to who did it and was it purposeful it happened and people got killed! That is always a tragedy, specially as the victim was mother with 4 children!

Turkey's PM stated that Turkey won't allow such aggression towards its citizens and responded with fire aimed at Syria. NATO was called hurriedly to gather as Turkey is a member, UN was notified, EU took stance, media described.

And everybody reported it as invasion of Turkey's space, killing its citizens and Turkey's response to this violence. Quite properly.

I can't help but think with rage and sadness that when Israeli children were hit by suicide bombers the world was silent! When 1,000 rockets a year (!) is shoot into Israel from Gaza it is not even reported but every Israeli response is pictured as aggression without mentioning the attack. When few days ago terrorists killed IDF soldiers who stopped them while heavily armored they were heading towards Israel media only reported killing two of the terrorists in response without mentioning  Israeli victims. When million Israelis spend 3 days in emergency hiding because of rocket fire it is not even news. And Israel is - likewise Turkey - a member of UN (though it seems this UN helps only Israeli enemies) and NATO. Has stronger economic links with EU than Turkey does. And yet....

When the fire from the same Syrian conflict caused evacuation of tourists from Mt. Hermon in Israel nobody cared.

So, are there equal and more equal states? Isn't it purely Orwellian how Israel gets blame for attack on her while everybody understands response on aggression while another country does it?

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