

“When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.” by Canada's PM Harper

Saturday 17 November 2012

Craving for blood

warning about renewal of suicide bombings

Here is the short film sent by Hamas as a message. It is so self-explaining that for any reasonable human being my commentary is just redundant. But I will write anyway.

The aim of missiles from Gaza, of suicide attacks in the past, of attacks like on a Fogel family and so on is TO KILL AS MANY AS POSSIBLE. Simply.
Hamas couldn't care less if their fire will reach right-wing Israelis, ultra-ortodox from Natrei Karta not recognising Israel (as it shold only be created after Messiah comes), Israeli-leftists proclaiming 2-state solution, Israeli Arabs or common do-gooders from any country. They crave for blood on Israeli territory. Period.
While IDF is taking all precautions and pains to kill as little civilian population as possible in Gaza and avoid killing or hurting anybody but the targeted terrorists Hamas does the opposite.

Their decision makers simply want to kill every Jew (as states their Charter), they have only contempt and dislike (sometimes hate) for anything not-jihadist (specially for Westerners including working with NGOs) and they couldn't care less about their own people. They use them as living shields, make armories purposefully near schools and hospitals, love to show the world their casualties but as they live from foreign aid (Israeli included) and other tax-payers money they just have no interest for their 'subjects' (as certainly not citizens). Neither for their well being (Golda Meir said that the peace will come when they will care for their children more than they hate Israeli ones) nor for their lives.

Writing about joy of killing people on buses, in cafes, in cinemas tells it all.

And I am deeply concerned and sorry for both - Israelis and all Palestinians who would like to lead normal lives and accept neighbors peacefully. They are simply Hamas's hostages.
And any real pro-Palestinian organization should help THEM get rid of terrorists!!!
And all supporting Hamas should be honest enough to admit they support terror and killings and hatred. No freedom fighters! Murderers!!!!!!

Friday 16 November 2012

Short history of terror from Gaza

living under threat

 In 2005 Israel unilaterally left Gaza Strip leaving it all to Palestinians. At the same time she never ceased delivering electricity (though Gaza authorities collecting money from recipients don't pay for it Israeli company), water or urgent and specialised medical care.

Leaving Strip Israelis left vegetable cultivation plants that were operating there. They were ruined in a short time. Gaza authorities never build a hospital and all schools were foreign financed. By the contrast authorities in Gaza built app. 400 mosques and have enough financial posssibilities to have shot more than 12,000 rockets, some very advanced, during last 7 years. They fire indiscriminately hoping to take as many lives as possible.
Here are some stories:
missile from Gaza hits school bus
rocket falls on kindergarden  (miracoulously that day it was closed for renovation, thus no victims)
rocket hits yeshiva - 10 injured

Most of those stories as well as horror of one million Israelis having to spend a lot of time in shelters you won't be able to find in mainstream media. It is not a story for them. The story begins when Israel hits back.

Due to post-stress disorder thousands of Israeli kids suffer neuro-somatic diseasies and take years longer to be potty trained.
But these children are no topic for European press.... :( :( :(

Imagine a tiny country with more than 13% of her population living under fire. Wouldn't you expect your government to protect you and your children?

My heart goes for innocent Israeli and innocent Palestinian children. The first are hated and targeted by Hamas the other are used as shields by Hamas's terrorists.
It is war!
But wars (always tragic) are defensive or offensive. Japanese in II WW, Germans in the II WW, Koreans in Korean war all had children, innocent as only children can be. Yet nobody proposed that they may go on killing, targeting others, raping (story of Nankin) and so on and nothing can be done as they are not all bad guys. They were countries, true, but Gaza is as close to a country as they can get -the terrorist country! And while I strongly believe there are peace-wanting Palestinians (not only children) who just don't dare to risk their lives questioning Hamas's internal terror (they not only export it, they live by it) I also know Hamas was elected, it is supported, as were Nazis by Germans (majority!) or Japanese imperial policy by most Japanese!

War is always tragic, true, but defensive war is sometimes necessary - against monsters of history, against criminal regimes, against those who say they want to kill us and live by it!
For Israel responding to Gaza launched rockets is DEFENSIVE and NECESSARY war. Just imagine that for some reason Portugal for 7 years hits Spain with missiles, or Northern Ireland the Republic, or Slovenia Austria, or Utah Arizona and so on. Response???? Sure! And they are ALL bigger and less populated territories than Israel.
Gaza had a chance, they could start trying to build economy, be independent, open borders in perspective (with both Israel and Egypt), try to build a future for their children.
Instead they have chosen to kill, to use their children as suicide bombers, or living shields or victims to show the world. They teach them reliance on others while hating those others at the same time.
It is horrible! They take future from their children while wanting to take lives from Israeli children?
Is war awful? SURE!
Was it necessary? Unfortunately sure again!

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Border fences

The border between US and Mexico is a long one. Not surprisingly - these are two very large countries. Yet - with, as I can imagine, great effort - there is a barrier on this border. It is combination of fences, short barriers, short walls - nevertheless it is actual border fence. It was built to stop illegal border crossing having most to do with illegal work (although also with drugs and people trafficking). Mexico and the USA were at war for the last time in XIX century and you may call it a relatively local war for both countries. The ties between countries are pretty tight and relations good.
Between 1998 and 2004, 1,954 persons are officially reported to have died along the US-Mexico border. Since 2004, the bodies of 1086 migrants have been recovered in the southern Arizona desert.
The total of approximately 5,000 deaths are related to border crossing during last 13 years.

The border between Greece and Turkey is far shorter. It was rarely very peaceful and friendly in history (and if you look at it in the long run it was changing considerably including occupation of Greece by Ottoman Empire) yet it is fairly peaceful during last few decades. And as both countries are NATO members with Turkey aspiring to join EU and Greece being its member one can hardly anticipate real hostilities there. Turks were known to cross to Greece in search of illegal work (I presume the procedure has ceased lately due to Greek economy problems). To prevent illegal immigration mostly crossing on a narrow, 12-mile long border part, Greeks declared in 2011 they will build  the razor-wire-topped fence. Neither EU nor European media nor human rights activists protested. Possibly Greeks will go on with the construction (divided and partially occupied by Turkey Cyprus is parted by barrier for years and years, few people care, no media coverage is present however thousands visit Cyprus each year).

Tiny Israel after intifada which cost lives of hundreds of her citizens (both Jews and Arabs) created fence along so called "green line". The number of suicide attacks and their victims - buses blown, cafes or restaurants targeted, children killed - considerably fell. 

In all those 3 examples only the Israeli barrier is discussed internationally, called "evil", singled out for attacks by so called human-rights activists, and called "the international crime". It is also the only one protecting human lives and not job-market.

I will leave you conclusions..... 

Thursday 1 November 2012

Warning from history

George Orwell, in my opinion one of absolutely the best writers and philosophers of XX century, has once written review of Hitler's infamous "Mein Kampf" and among others he has commented that: "human beings don't only want comfort, safety, short working-hours, hygiene, birth control and, in general, common sense; they also, at least intermittently, want struggle and self-sacrifice, not to mention drums, flags, and loyalty parades." It is part of his diagnosis about how it happened that Nazism attracted so many...

We are not only rational but also - maybe even more so - emotional. How much emotion was in your choice of vacation destination/ buying car or house or last voting? Much mor than we willingly admit and in many cases it is a good thing - people are not (and shouldn't be) robots after all. Yet there are situations when the emotional, mythical part in us gets so upper hand that it suppresses completly rational part and that is potentially very dangerous situation.

Nazis are warning from history (as are communists except they are still very present). Those people didn't come from nowhere. Yes, their core was cynical and emotional at the same time but the rest? In 1928 elections they only scored 2.6% in elections (and they existed for good many years at the time), 2 years later - surprising popularity which led to parliamentary presence, than suppressing weak democracy, than.... we all know.

So, why do I write it now? The thing that triggered their first success was crisis of 1929 leading to people's desperation. Now we have similar (in some ways) situation. Europe is (and for at least 5 years will be) in crisis, possibly a very deep one. People's expectations have been elevated and now they have to be corrected. Just as Germans did not understand why they lost I WW now many don't understand why they have to give up current living style (and Germany lost I WW exactly as the massive debts in future generations culminated now). It is very fragile situation. We already hear in Europe (so far only from some extremists but the number of people talking this way is growing) about "betrial", "them" and so on.
Another example is many islamic countries with growing fanaticism. It sometimes comes from desperation but it doesn't diminish danger it brings.

Where do I aim? We are creatures of emotion and in hard times emotions take control much often and stronger. It is good for us to have them and sometimes they lead us to wonderful things. But they have dark side - hatred, vengance, blaming, believing in conspiracy, rascism. In times of trouble we are more vulnerable to this dark side. Understandable. But I want to ask you to be careful when you hear preachers of boycott, hatred, accusations, conspiracy theories etc. (many pointed against Israel, many having nothing to do with it but the former were the seed of this reflection) to be careful. It is ok to act on our emotions but let's try and not let some abuse them and mislead us as Hitler and his likes abused in this early time of Nazism emotions of so many in Germany.

It is a warning from history!

Finally an optimistic piece - here is a story of a man whose emotions were hijacked and abused during his upbringing and who freed himself and is now acting on his own emotions and rationale - it is always better to be one own's master (emotions, believes, feelings included). Here is
his story