

“When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.” by Canada's PM Harper

Saturday 17 November 2012

Craving for blood

warning about renewal of suicide bombings

Here is the short film sent by Hamas as a message. It is so self-explaining that for any reasonable human being my commentary is just redundant. But I will write anyway.

The aim of missiles from Gaza, of suicide attacks in the past, of attacks like on a Fogel family and so on is TO KILL AS MANY AS POSSIBLE. Simply.
Hamas couldn't care less if their fire will reach right-wing Israelis, ultra-ortodox from Natrei Karta not recognising Israel (as it shold only be created after Messiah comes), Israeli-leftists proclaiming 2-state solution, Israeli Arabs or common do-gooders from any country. They crave for blood on Israeli territory. Period.
While IDF is taking all precautions and pains to kill as little civilian population as possible in Gaza and avoid killing or hurting anybody but the targeted terrorists Hamas does the opposite.

Their decision makers simply want to kill every Jew (as states their Charter), they have only contempt and dislike (sometimes hate) for anything not-jihadist (specially for Westerners including working with NGOs) and they couldn't care less about their own people. They use them as living shields, make armories purposefully near schools and hospitals, love to show the world their casualties but as they live from foreign aid (Israeli included) and other tax-payers money they just have no interest for their 'subjects' (as certainly not citizens). Neither for their well being (Golda Meir said that the peace will come when they will care for their children more than they hate Israeli ones) nor for their lives.

Writing about joy of killing people on buses, in cafes, in cinemas tells it all.

And I am deeply concerned and sorry for both - Israelis and all Palestinians who would like to lead normal lives and accept neighbors peacefully. They are simply Hamas's hostages.
And any real pro-Palestinian organization should help THEM get rid of terrorists!!!
And all supporting Hamas should be honest enough to admit they support terror and killings and hatred. No freedom fighters! Murderers!!!!!!

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