

“When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.” by Canada's PM Harper

Monday 10 December 2012


Channukah is here :)

After the division of hellenistic empire after Alexander the Great Judea together with Jerusalem found itself in Ptolemaic kingdom based in Egypt. Yet as a result of wars by the end of III century BC it was taken by Seleucid kingdom based in Syria.
At the time of Antiochus Epiphanes the severe rules against Judaism were proclaimed. Possessing of Torah was forbidden under capital punishment. Likewise circumcision (death penalty was for both a mother and a baby). Shabbat was forbidden and in the Temple the sacrifices from ritually unclean animals were done for the Greek gods.

Not surprisingly uprising has started! The small and ill equipped army of so called Maccabees (from the family name) surprisingly won with well equipped and professional army of Seleucid'   monarch but by the time they regained the Temple there was enough kosher olive to last only for one day.
The discussion followed if the olive should be set on fire to signalize recapture of the Temple by Jews (even though it won't last for enough time to make the Temple kosher) or if lighting of the fire should be postponed until enough kosher olive may be supplied.
The first option won and the olive was alighted. Miraculously the one-day-supply lasted for 8 days enabling koshering the Temple and preparing new supply.
And that is why Chanukkah is celebrated!
For 8 days the candles in special candelabra (with 9 candles) will lit. You are not allowed to use this light to work or read or warm - it is just the symbol of holiday! And each day children will receive small gifts and enjoy themselves. It's a very joyful occasion.

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