

“When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.” by Canada's PM Harper

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Border fences

The border between US and Mexico is a long one. Not surprisingly - these are two very large countries. Yet - with, as I can imagine, great effort - there is a barrier on this border. It is combination of fences, short barriers, short walls - nevertheless it is actual border fence. It was built to stop illegal border crossing having most to do with illegal work (although also with drugs and people trafficking). Mexico and the USA were at war for the last time in XIX century and you may call it a relatively local war for both countries. The ties between countries are pretty tight and relations good.
Between 1998 and 2004, 1,954 persons are officially reported to have died along the US-Mexico border. Since 2004, the bodies of 1086 migrants have been recovered in the southern Arizona desert.
The total of approximately 5,000 deaths are related to border crossing during last 13 years.

The border between Greece and Turkey is far shorter. It was rarely very peaceful and friendly in history (and if you look at it in the long run it was changing considerably including occupation of Greece by Ottoman Empire) yet it is fairly peaceful during last few decades. And as both countries are NATO members with Turkey aspiring to join EU and Greece being its member one can hardly anticipate real hostilities there. Turks were known to cross to Greece in search of illegal work (I presume the procedure has ceased lately due to Greek economy problems). To prevent illegal immigration mostly crossing on a narrow, 12-mile long border part, Greeks declared in 2011 they will build  the razor-wire-topped fence. Neither EU nor European media nor human rights activists protested. Possibly Greeks will go on with the construction (divided and partially occupied by Turkey Cyprus is parted by barrier for years and years, few people care, no media coverage is present however thousands visit Cyprus each year).

Tiny Israel after intifada which cost lives of hundreds of her citizens (both Jews and Arabs) created fence along so called "green line". The number of suicide attacks and their victims - buses blown, cafes or restaurants targeted, children killed - considerably fell. 

In all those 3 examples only the Israeli barrier is discussed internationally, called "evil", singled out for attacks by so called human-rights activists, and called "the international crime". It is also the only one protecting human lives and not job-market.

I will leave you conclusions..... 

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