

“When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.” by Canada's PM Harper

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Rosh Hashana

The High Holidays are approaching. In Jewish calender the first two days of Tishrei is when Rosh Hashanah is observed. This year it will start on the 16th of September at sunset.

Rosh Hashanah is the beginning of the new year. It is celebrating the world's birthday - time when God decide to create universe. It also symbolises the beginning of change, of new life for us.
According to tradition it is between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (10 days later) that people may be inscribed (or not) into the books of life. It is decided who will live for the next year and who will perish. Therefore we should prepare ourselves for meeting with our Creator. Improve ourselves, make peace between us and our neighbours and us and God. And that is the most important, significant part of this holiday.
The accent is on our repentance, our sincere evaluation of our own approaches, deeds, sins. We should make peace with people whom we did wrong. We should correct our misdeeds and think how can we become better people. Rosh HaShanah is all about making peace in the community and striving to be a better person.

And I love this approach. Because evry way we plan to travel, every betterment we should start with ourselves. It is human to miss the point, to fall into misdeeds and misbehaviour, to sin. But it is also human to be able to correct it, to improve, to struggle to be a better person, to apologise.... And this examining our soul, our approach, our good will should walk with us througout the life.
It often does not.
So it is very important that at least once a year we truly try to remember to make peace with others, apology for our lacks and wrongdoings, to try to improve.

And Rosh Hashanah is a very, very joyfull holiday. It is not about fear of incoming judgement, this holiday is about joy that we still have time and opportunity to improve, to understand our sins, to offer appologies....
There is one more chance for us to become better people. Better for our neighbours. Better in loving God's eyes.

I wish all of you this Rosh Hashanah's joy in your lives. We can do better. Our Creator eqipped us to be able to better the world!!!!!

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