

“When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.” by Canada's PM Harper

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Denying Jewishness of Jerusalem

Abbas denies Jerusalem links to Judaism

Jerusalem, the city conquered by David 3,000 years ago was for over 1,000 capital of Jewish state, place of the temple, place where Shechina was present.
First temple built by Solomon was destroyed by Babylonians and repleced by the second one, from which there still remain remnants.

After conquering the city during Jewish revolt of 66 by Romans and destroying the temple (it was built so solidly that fire was not enough, they really had to put lots of effort to dispose of it; but after 4 years of revolt requiring 3 legions to deal with the Romans wanted to dispose of any sign of Jerusalem, not only the city was destroyed, it was renamed Aelia Capitolina) Jews were temporary banned from it. But as soon as there was any possibility they started visiting Jerusalem and settling in her.

For 2 millenia in Sedar prayer there was expressed the hope that "next year we will meet in Jerusalem".
Despite hostility from Christians and later Muslims Jews were living in Jerusalem and arriving there because it was the unique place for them in the whole world. Nothing has changed.

During Jordanian occupation all Jews were expelled and banned from entering the part of Jerusalem belonging to Jordan. Yet in 1950 the western part of Jerusalem became the capital of the state of Israel, and government and Knesset were placed there. It remains for me a kind of puzzle why so many countries still refuse to recognise it as the illusion of international status of Jerusalem (originally planned by UN in resolution from 1947) never came into being: firstly: resolution was rejected by Arabs (so it's not binding and never was), secondly, the peace was broken by 7 Arab armies trying to destroy Israel and that means the new arrangments were due, thirdly before 6 days war Jordan was occupying part of Jerusalem even checking baptismal certificates to make sure no Jews would enter the city (which was absolutely in breach of international law) yet no country questioned it.

Jerusalem, long before 6 days war and well over 60 years is now the capital of Israel.

Israeli authorities never denied the meaning of Jerusalem for Christians and Muslims. All are allowed to practice their religion freely and the Temple Mount remains under Muslim authority guaranteed by Dayan right after the end of 6 days war.

What a startling contrast with what Palestinian (and some other Arab) authorities imply!!!
How is it possible in view of what Bible says, what archeological findings show, what we witness and have witnessed for millenia day after day after day to try to deny Jerusalem Jewishness??? It does not mean it bears importance for Jews alone. However we have to remember that Jesus was Jewish rabbi (and that is why he preached in Jerusalem, was crucified there, and that is why it is so important a place for Christians) and early Muslims wanted Jerusalem as they took it from Jewish Bible that it will be the place where the end of the world will come. As all new religions early Islam was heavily focused on the end of days and that was why they felt they need Jerusalem! All the paths lead back to Jerusalem's meaning for Jews!

Centuries passed and nobody in their right mind today denies that it is very important place for Christians or Muslims. Yet nobody should forget how it came about and that it was (and is) Jewish capital, Jewish place of worship incorporating 3 millenia of Jewish history!

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