

“When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.” by Canada's PM Harper

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Different standards

Do you remember Orwell's "Animal farm" with it's (somewhat changed from the original) law that: "All animals are equal. some are more equal."?
I have written here so many times about so called pro-Palestinian activists that they (in vast majority, I know there probably are exceptions) care nothing about Palestinians and all they really want is to demonize and destroy Israel. And so many times I pointed to the fact that if one can't blame Israel the fate of Palestinians is irrelevant to all these "activists" (apparatchiks sounds more like it to me).

Well, here is another story confirming it.
Egypt in the aftermath of terror attacks on Sinai is destroying homes in Gaza creating buffer zone.
But look at the article. Does it say anything about genocide? Hurting children? Terror against civilians? Heart-breaking stories? No, it is actually very up-to-date and factual and covers some minimum of the story.
Now imagine had it been Israel destroying buildings from which rockets are fired (last ones only this weekend, not reported) to create buffer zone. How much rage and hatred towards Israel, all her inhabitants and Jews everywhere would have been split? Well, I guess you can guess how much...

On Friday Hamas has broken cease-fire firing the rocket into Israel. Israel responded by closing the border pass after which it was accused of... breaking cease-fire. Apparently firing rockets on Israel is allowed. Rafah crossing (between Gaza and Egypt) remains closed since terror attacks on Sinai yet nobody is protesting.

But as I said, it is Orwellian. Thing is: nobody, but NOBODY is happy in Orwellian world. Let's protest against its creation (for example letting BBC know what we think about such double standards of reporting) 

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