

“When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.” by Canada's PM Harper

Tuesday 18 November 2014


It is with extremely heavy heart that I write here today.
This morning inBnei Torah synagogue in West Jerusalem's district of Har Nof four people had been killed and eight wounded. They all have committed apparently the same crime: they were Jewish.
Two cousins from  East Jerusalem - Ghassan and Uday Abu Jamal - have decided that their political views or faith or their nationalism requires them to slaughter others.

Just imagine going for prayer (if you sometimes go) to whatever place it is that you go and being attacked with  axe  or gun (both were used today) for the simple fact of being Hispanic/ African/ Asian/ Caucasian/ Christian/ Hindu/ Buddhist - you name it. Imagine somebody going for your child or family with an axe for this simple reason that you are who you are, no matter what your views are, they don't ask (of course killing for views is equally repulsive but here we don't even have this element). You are not human to your attacker, you are alien who needs to be killed with your women and children.

I want you to understand this and imagine the picture after such attack, and think how would you describe somebody behaving in this way.

There were times not long ago in Europe when Jews were killed simply for being Jews - in the streets of occupied cities, in ghettos, in gas chambers; 98% of them have been killed out of these living in Europe. I see no difference between gestapo or SS killing Jewish child for not stepping out of pavement on ghetto and such Palestinian terrorists. There is none.
And I see no difference between Hamas, Hezbollah or terrorists from West Bank covered often by Fatah and Nazi regime.

When Nazis entered Amsterdam and ordered Jews to wear Stars of David the next day big part of the population of Amsterdam appeared wearing them.
I wish and I dream (like Dr Martin Luther Jr had once had his dream) that we will all go in a march supporting these slaughtered for being Jewish.
As today all I wish to say except giving my condolences to families is this: I AM JEWISH!

chain of Israeli youth after the attack

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