

“When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.” by Canada's PM Harper

Tuesday 18 June 2013

There are none (or nearly none) pro-Palesinian activists

But there are many Israel haters or simple Antisemitic people who pose as pro-Palestinians.

Why do I say that?
I met many in my life and there were some universal features. Consider this:

1. None of those activists was in the least concerned by authoritarian (to say the least, morbidly tyrannical would have been closer to the truth) power Fatah and - specially - Hamas hold over Palestinians. Nobody was willing to address executions conducted in Gaza for homosexuality, friendships with Israeli families or rejecting Islam. Human rights broken by PA authorities are evidently of no greater concern to those activists though Palestinians are their primary and nearly exclusive victims.

2. Nobody mentioned women's rights and freedom (specially in Gaza) e.g. closing water fun-park (built by UN meaning by our taxes) for everybody and de facto destroying it in order to prevent using it by children of both sexes.

3. Nobody was in the least concerned that authority whose one and only program is destroying its neighbor can't be expected to do anything for improving lives of people under its power. And the same authority refuses help if it is meant for economic improvement and can't be used  against Israel (it is common and commonly applied truth that it is easier to rule over impoverished, badly educated and tyrannically ruled people with invented - if real is impossible - "enemy").

4. Nobody gave a damn about enormous corruption in PA meaning that aid money goes to private bank accounts and never reaches people for whom it was meant (justly or unjustly doesn't matter in this instance, just doesn't go there at all).

5. Nobody was interested in crimes against Palestinians committed in Arab countries (mainly Syria or Lebanon)  who against all UN acts considering refugees keep them for generations in camps just to show them as "Israeli victims" on TV (I remind there were originally more Jewish refugees of this conflict but they have settled somewhere, mostly Israel, long ago, were given full citizen rights and their grandchildren are no more refugees than the vast majority of us).

6. Nobody was outraged by Abbas's words (that angered me for example very much) that if Palestinians in Syria were to revoke their "right of return" let them rather perish. He says lightly about death of Palestinians, women and children included if they will stop serving his murderous purpose to destroy Israel and NO so called pro-Palestinian activists considers it WRONG TO THE CORE?

7. Nobody is concerned by strange UNRWA activities so much in contrast to UN charts. UNHCR with 7,000 staff takes care for all the refugees but Palestinian in the world, and the status of refugee is no-inherited. It is about allowing people to start life anew e.g. as was the case with Pakistan-India division, very similar situation where refugees were on both sides. How many babies who are Pakistani/ Indian refugees do we have? None of course, and it was nearly exactly at the same time as Israel independence war.  UNRWA with 30,000 staff serves only Palestinians from whom vast majority was born long after the conflict and while originally one would deal with  approximately 750,000 Palestinian refugees and 900,000 Jewish ones (mostly from Arab countries) now we have NO Jewish refugees from this conflict and few millions Palestinian ones. But it is the effect of combined treating Palestinians in very special way against UN charts (e.g. letting only them inherit this status) and treating them extremely wrong by Arab countries, again in breach of UN charts. None of this is Israel's fault or idea.

8. Nobody thinks it is strange that 350,000 Jews living in Judea and Samaria and obstacle to peace while app. 1,250,000 Arabs living in Israel are not. And nobody (from those activists) thinks it is wrong when Abbas calls for "Judenrein" (deprived of Jews, Nazi term) Palestine while it is obvious that Arab citizens of Israel are free to stay where they live even if two-state solution is accepted.

9. Nobody protests again teaching (with UN and EU money) in UNRWA lead schools geography with no Israel on maps or history without Holocaust.


That's why I say there are no pro-Palestinian activists. They are simply and purely anti-Israeli or, to call it properly, Antisemitic!!!!!! And Palestinians are just a tool to use.

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