

“When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.” by Canada's PM Harper

Thursday 21 November 2013

Promised land (for the birds)

Many people do not know, as I didn't until somebody gave me a clue, that very few species of birds are capable of flying long distances over the sea. Most migratory birds prefer to fly mostly over the land and thus seek the route from Africa to Europe's nesting grounds and back with as little oversea flying as possible. Israel is not only on the way, it is on the very center of the way.
It is very convenient passageway for migratory birds, home to many non-migratory ones and - due to decades of protection law enforcement and general welcoming by people and institutions alike - nothing short of the garden of Eden for the birds.

Twice a year through Israel, the country smaller than Belgium and in half consisting of desert, 500 million birds fly on their way to/ from Europe. It is their resting ground. And - in an addition to some 230 migratory species - there are approximately 270 species native to Israel which in total gives only 150 less species than one may encounter in the whole of the USA.

There are more than 10 institutions dedicated to research, help and watching birds and huge areas are under protection for their use (one of the mos famous is Hula Valley in the north).
In Eilat former garbage dump site was transferred to bird-feeding station as area's salt marshes have been transformed and no longer can support that many birds. It is ilegal in Israel to kill or even stress birds (the last giving way for many jokes about what stresses the birds, still they are very welcome guests to the country).

No wonder that each yer thousands of tourists come to Israel for the exclusive purpose of bird-watching. It is rare delight for anybody interested in birdwatching and for most of us who just like to have a glimpse  at the wonders of our world. See for yourselves :)

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