

“When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.” by Canada's PM Harper

Sunday 7 April 2013

Yom HaShoah

Tomorrow is the day - 27th of Nissan - of remembrance of Shoah. Many will be remembering whole villages and towns that disappeared... 6 million perished, 98% of European Jewry. And today so many know little or next to nothing about that history and still dare to trivialize it by naming this or that pitiful but incomparable happening "new holocaust". Very few stories in the whole history of mankind (harsh and cruel as it often was and is) might be put in any proximity to this long-lasting, cold, cruel, industrial and planned in detail story of murdering one people.
Many perished during WW II and all should be remembered but there were many cruel wars in history and as cruel as it sounds many will come (most unfortunately). But this was different - it was no war really, it was decision put into effect to annihilate one people. So much so that - as we learn today - in one Nazi 'scientific' center in occupied France 86 bodies of Jews - murdered for that very purpose - were examined and preserved to conduct research about the non-existing race (as it was soon to be according to Nazi planners)!

Tomorrow there will be candle-lightning, prayers, poetry, remembering in all aspects.
In Israel all entertainment will be hold for a day and at 10 AM a siren will sound making everybody stop, people and cars (including on highways), drivers and passengers alike will stand by their vehicles to commemorate those murdered.

Let us never forget them!

Here are wonderful words for the day by Canadian PM

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