

“When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.” by Canada's PM Harper

Monday 30 July 2012

The monster is coming back :(

Raise of anti-Semitism in Western Europe

Please read the article linked above. Even if we will leave comments aside (for one reason or the other) the facts, pure facts, remain grim.
In Europe, where different groups are talked about by activists or politics as victimised one group suffering more and more persecution is totally left out of the public picture - Jews (well, it looks like it may start to change and it is high time).
As a history freak I have read enough about 30s - from different sources - to see similiarities that are chilling to the bone. Sure, it is not opened, state-sponsored anti-Semitism. It couldn't have been! Pogroms are not organised and sponsored by the state as in tzarist Russia and no discrimination law will be passed (with exceptions, but that in a while). This epoque is over (Thank God) but the feeling of unsafety and real danger for Jewish minority are very much present in contemporary Europe.

Synagogues are monitores with CCTV (and often acts of vandalism are at least tried, while no church or mosque needs that type of close and necessary survillance). Jewish schools more and more need protection. Wearing kippa or other parts of Jewish religious wear may get you into trouble more easily in some countries than any wear or symbol connected to any other religion. The feeling of insecurity and often being unwelcomed in one's home country is not uncommon. And all of these for very good reasons.

Try to think what picture of the world one passed to one's child if the religious school the child attends needs guards and security system similiar to the one on the airport and still it may happen that an extremist with a gun will pick up this school (and not randomly which, unfortunately, may happen anywhere, but on purpose because it is JEWISH school). And the child is enrolled to this school in the first place not because the family is very observant (though it may be and it is their constitutional right - freedom of religion) but because his/ her peers (some of them) didn't like his/ her name, or pendant with a star of David, or their background (about which everybody knows as children in schools know such things). And other peers and teachers didn't react (maybe for fear of perpetrators and their families, maybe because they share somewhat similiar attitude, maybe because it is easier to stay away from trouble). And bullying went on. And when family goes to synagogue there is survillance and guard at the door. And there are clear no-go zones in the city they live in because it would have been dangerous to do so (as such zones are in all big cities for law-abiding citizens I just want to clear out that there are more such zones for Jews, if their Jewishness is visible in any way).
And when neighbours - nice people - keep telling you that Israel, the only Jewish state, is rouge as they read it in paper, seen the street play (of the kind shown in Dublin last year by activists) or the priest told so in church (yes, it happens, I heard it myself). People who never heard about rockets falling on Israel from Gaza, are unaware about lack of humanitarian crisis in Gaza, unaware that all citizens of Israel have the same rights while Abbas calls for Judenrein Palestine, unaware of existence and plight of Jewish refugees of 1948. Only one side of the story is ever reported.
What if this child hears in the streets "we will kill you, dirty Jew" (as in the linked article).
Wouldn't you start wondering if it is still your country and home even if it was for few (or sometimes teen) generations?

The Jewish diaspora in Europe is vanishing.

If democracy is to survive it has to be protected. If Jewish diaspora in Europe will vanish (as is already happening) because they don't feel safe here and can see no future for themselves and their children, it means that democracy in Europe failed her test and it also means that each and every one of us may be next.

Let me remind the famous word by Martin Niemoller:
First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me.

1 comment:

  1. It indeed is a matter of grave concern, my dear friend, and I promise you, we will leave no stone unturned in changing that. Keep up sharing.
