

“When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.” by Canada's PM Harper

Thursday 17 May 2012

What an idea! Let's say "no"

Eamon Gilmore wants to impose ban on some Israeli products

Eamon Gilmore is the Irish Foreign Affairs Minister. And the above article depicts his new idea of imposing ban on Israeli products originating from PA territory from entering EU.

I don't know what Mr Gilmore wants to achieve, possibly vote from pro-Palestinian lobby in Ireland, but I see this initiative as very sad, and let me tell a little bit why:

1. Everybody - as I have written in post about boycotting Israeli products and calling for such boycotts - is entitled to boycott whatever products and producers they wish. But imposing such boycott/ ban on others is taking away their freedom of choice. Not only the choice of a product but first and most importantly the freedom of opinion/ political or economical views/ right to express them. In this instance Mr Gilmore represents only those who share his strange idea telling the rest of his voters, and wanting to tell it to the rest of EU citizens, that only his ideas are valid and have to be pursued. This is taking away human rights of having opinions and right to express them. Nobody will make Mr Gilmore buy any Israeli product, but he has no right to prevent others from buying them!

2. Imposing such ban as a politician in charge he is breaking ALL democratic rules. Trying for a boycott by organizations in violent way (they may call for boycotts but with no threats and violence, as I said before) is bad enough. Trying in LEGAL way to impose on people what they are to think is totalitarianism. I may strongly believe in one or other idea but I have no right to impose them on others legally if they incapacitate their rights. Otherwise we are going the path of Franco or Pinochet without even calling into attention more sinister examples from recent past. And for Ireland, that so recently took for example children of protestant soldiers who perished in WWII fighting in British army to be brought up in institutional care in purpose of making them Catholics it is a very dangerous path to follow to try and impose believes and opinions on society. Not long ago it was being done and the price remains to pay, so, liking Ireland, I ask not to go there.

3. You might have realized that so far there was not even mention about Israel - the good at stake is freedom and democracy. But yes, Israel has won the territory of PA in defensive war while being attacked. It has established autonomy there in accordance with Oslo rules and those rules are being constantly broken by PA authorities. Nevertheless autonomy IS the part of the country - in this instance Israel. The products from PA territory are Israeli products. And the main obstacle to peace or two state solution are no settlements but no will on Palestinian side - they could have their country long ago starting in 1947 but always wanted to destroy Israel more. Of course one has a right not to buy given or any Israeli products (or Chinese, Cuban, Iranian, Egyptian, British or whatever for that matter) but nobody has the right to tell others what to think.

4. Finally the ideas is to be put into action (trying for such ban) during Irish presidency in EU. Well, at a time when Greece goes bankrupt, Spain and Italy are in trouble (not to mention Ireland itself), Iran is threatening with nuclear weapon already being tested by North Korea and China can easily buy Europe for debt there is strong need for initiative what should we do, what steps should be undertaken, what path followed. It is populist and easy to gather people "against" something but gives little. The art is to show them what to support. And I would love to hear about Irish ideas - but for sth and not against.

My dear friend has written petition against (yes I know the irony) this idea of Mr Gilmore.
If I have convinced you but a little bit please sign it.
Thank you!
petition to Mr Eamon Gilmore

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