

“When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.” by Canada's PM Harper

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Where does the name "Palestine" come from?

Nowadays we hear constantly about Palestine and Palestinians. Therefore, I believe it is worthwhile to remind the origin of the name, circumstances of its creation and reasons for introducing it as it makes gruesome but interesting story. In 135, 65 years after the destruction of the Temple by Roman imperator Titus, when Jerusalem for most part was still in ruins, another anti Roman rising started under Simon bar Kochba’s orders. It has been in response to cruel harassment by imperator Hadrian that started in 130. Hadrian far outreached in persecution imperator Traian whom he replaced and who was well known as an anti-Semite.
Hadrian changed the city’s name to Aelia Capitolina, banned Judaism and circumcision under the penalty of death. He also planned to build Jupiter’s temple on the site of the ruined temple (therefore ruining all hopes for her reconstruction) and in the traditional place of Jesus’ crossing, he erected the monument for Aphrodite aiming at harming Christianity, at the time still a branch of Judaism.
Not surprisingly this persecution led to the rising just 2 generations after tragic rising of 70 finished by ruining the temple and desperate, concluded by mass suicide, defense of Masada.
Nevertheless the rising had no chances of success. Hadrian sent against Jews one of his best generals, Julius Severus and – according to Roman historian Cassius Dio – “moved out against Jews treating their madness without mercy”. During the year the rising was over but the vengeance took shape of merciless genocide. Tens, maybe hundreds of thousands were murdered (please take into consideration the difference between population today and at the time). According to Cassius Dio 585,000, perished and 50 towns and 985 villages were destroyed. Slave on a Hebron market cost less then horse – so many became slaves. Circumcision and even approaching Jerusalem were banned for Jews under the penalty of death and Judea – historical, 1000 years old name of the country – was changed to Palestine to honor traditional Jewish enemies Philistines (Septuagint was already long translated and known in Hellenistic world thus enabling imperator to find the most hurtful new name for Jewish homeland). And that way – in place of Judea and Samaria – Palestine was created. The name ceased to be used after Roman empire perished and only restored after centuries by another colonial power – Napoleonic France.

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