

“When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.” by Canada's PM Harper

Saturday 9 August 2014

Biased media reports

There is a long list of biased or untruthful media reports concerning Israeli-Hamas conflict in Gaza in European media.

It is truth that every foreign reporter in Gaza has its personal "guarding angel" (devil?) who takes care that they see what is meant for them to see. It is truth that those not complying with Hamas' instructions in media sometimes receive death threats (and occasionally speak about it, of course AFTER leaving Gaza but it is obvious). Still if one wants to be a reporter specially in tough places it requires some courage and moral compass and reporters are very keen on talking about their ethics code and being the forth power so it would have been nice to grow up to it - at least partly. 

In Europe just during the last month we have been dealing with:
  • overusing the word "genocide" with regards to defensive actions taken by Israeli forces when in reality - depending on the source of information - 1,600 to 1,800 people in Gaza have been killed during over a month of open conflict and (according to Israeli sources) 750-1,000 of them being active Hamas terrorists. I will come back later to their identification as civilians/ terrorists but speaking purely about their number and comparing it with the number of victims in other ongoing conflicts (Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Southern Sudan or Nigeria to mention just a few, one European) the number of victims in Gaza is relatively small. And still there is no other conflict in connection with which the word "genocide" would have appeared so often if at all (even if, as with Iraqi ISIS it would have been based on facts),
  •  reporting the number of victims in Gaza based on Hamas' word exclusively which mean that as victims of Israel the subsequent groups were included: people who deceased due to natural causes during the conflict, people who were hit by Hamas' rockets destined for Israel that didn't make it into Israeli territory, people who were prevented from escaping their homes by Hamas (after warnings from IDF) and made into victims (or martyrs as they put it), people shot by Hamas as suspected Israeli spies (read: those who opposed Hamas in any way including insisting on evacuation). It is rather hard to count these people as victims of Israel, on the contrary - excluding those deceased due to natural causes they are all victims of Hamas and whoever cares about them should blame Hamas,
  • accepting that all those without uniforms and personal weapons are civilians. Well, I don't know about any terrorist organization using (especially extensively) uniforms, do you? And not having personal weapons on you does not mean you are not involved in terrorist activities like planning terror acts, launching rockets or constructing bombs. In fact the number of civilian victims remaining to high (as any and on any side is to high) is much smaller - the usage of pictures of victims of Syrian war or car accidents or even Fogel children (Jewish children murdered on purpose by Palestinian terrorist!!!) and introducing them under false names as victims of this conflict has been detected. They are easy to find out but apparently not many were willing to look for such frauds,
  • purposeful misleading information (if you prefer straight talk: lying) in media like yesterday (Friday) when some media reported that the cease-fire has ended due to Israeli fire while in reality Hamas started launching rockets on Israel 3 hours before the cease-fire was over and Israel responded only after having 17 rockets launched into her territory,
  • the difference in number of victims is nearly exclusively due to completely different approach to them on both sides. While Israel is the country which protects her citizens more than any other country I know of (shelters in the south for nearly everybody mean that e.g. when rocket directly hit a building in Israel yesterday there was only one person injured) Hamas uses (abuses!!!!) Palestinians to create their bodies as anti-Israeli weapon in media thus forcing people warned by IDF to evacuate not only to stay but even to climb onto the roofs on the building under fire. It is a crime against humanity. The crime for which Hamas is to blame and it should be said aloud!
 Here are some links to relevant materials by some courageous reporters (note: they are international):
Indian TV coverage about shooting rockets.
France24 report about launching rockets from the hotel with journalists and with UN flag over it.
Finish reported confirming Hamas using civilians as human shields.

Having seen so much of biased reporting in recent days I wholeheartedly invite you to join the FB event "enough is enough" against bad reporting. You may find it here.

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