

“When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.” by Canada's PM Harper

Thursday 31 July 2014

Operation Protective Edge

So many times have I written about rockets indiscriminately shoot at Israeli territory by Hamas. But apart from this problem (and really, try to imagine your country - whichever it is - to not react to such a danger to its residents - it is not the only danger brought about by terrorists from Hamas, not by far. From Gaza into both Egypt and Israel leads a network of tunnels. Those leading from Egypt are used to smuggle in weaponry into Gaza, those leading into Israel, and there are many, have been prepared for the purpose of infiltrating Israel to murder or kidnap her inhabitants. The danger is so prevailing that despite the peace between Israel and Egypt being for years a cold one both countries cooperate in preventing building and destroying existing tunnels. The problem is - in most cases this can't be done without putting soldiers on ground in Gaza and as the situation regarding tunnels has evolved to an alarming level the action had to be taken (the openings of tunnels have been found in kibbutzim near Gaza evidently prepared for terrorist activities). Additionally it has to be realized that Hamas was using children to dig them and in this process   many of them had died.

Media have been informed about rocket fire that has damaged UN school (or rather UNRWA one). Not so many reported that there have been weaponry placed by Hamas in the school. UNRWA has apologized on its official site  which did not prevent some of its officials to condemn Israel for attacking school. The question is: is the school (closed for vacation anyway) that serves as ammunition compound and from the vicinity of which the aggressive fire is being shoot still a school or a military installation? What would you feel about it?

The hospital in Gaza has been damaged - but NOT by Israeli troops but by a misfired rocket fired by Hamas towards Israel that didn't make it to the Israeli territory. It has been confirmed but the reporters who did it received death threads from terrorists. Same goes for hitting the refugee camp.

Inhabitants of Gaza have been sent early warnings by IDF to be able to leave targeted territories but in many cases they have been physically forced by  Hamas terrorists to stay in place and act as a human shield. Tragic as it is Hamas is totalitarian power with as much regard towards its subjects as - say - Stalin in purges period when tens of thousands have been killed just to install terror in the remaining population. Yesterday Hamas has shoot 30 Palestinians under the assumption of spying for Israel. As this is absurd accusation in the situation we are dealing with they have been shot most probably for opposing Hamas (residents of Eastern Europe are familiar with practice of accusation for "spying for the USA" in early 50s - usually used to destroy potential political opponents).

Hamas has called upon Hezbollah to join in fighting against "this formation" (Israel).

The former President of Israel Simon Peres has declared that the best option would be reinstalling Fatah as the ruler in Gaza. As Abbas and his Fatah are anything but moderate as I have written here time and time again (although he is named so for an unknown reason). Therefore this shows all the murderous rage of Hamas's rule in Gaza.

Certainly there are more victims on Palestinian side (although it is hard to say how many exactly, internet users have already spotted the family perished in Syria some two years ago whose pictures are now shown as the pictures of Palestinian victims in Gaza). Still, what else is to be expected if one side to the conflict tries to protect her citizens as best as possible with the use of shelters and Iron Dome and constant preparedness whilst at the same time the other side uses its  people as human shields and propaganda weapon to show in the pictures?

I feel deep regret for victims of this conflict on BOTH sides, still it is unacceptable to blame Israel for defending herself. Israel does not fire rockets constantly and indiscriminately into Gaza. She does not kidnap or murder Arab civilians, neither does she wish them to perish - on the contrary, even at this very moment the power and water supplies are delivered although as I have written here they are not paid for. The blame for the victims of the current situation  and their suffering lies exclusively at Hamas's door.

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