

“When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.” by Canada's PM Harper

Monday 13 January 2014

Ariel Sharon

Today the former PM of Israel, Ariel Sharon, who has spent last 8 years in coma after 2 strokes and died last week, is being buried. Just when I write it the funeral takes place.

Sharon was not only PM but also a soldier. He took part in 1948 independence war when Israel was attacked by 7 Arab armies not even 24 hours after its creation. He was wounded in that war and today the procession will stop in Latrun where he was wounded on its way to Sycamore Ranch where he will be buried along his wife who passed away in 2000. He took part in 6 days war in 1967 and in Yom Kippur war in 1973. Both were the deadly danger and if any of those wars (all of them defensive) had been lost it would have been like opening hell's door for all Jewish people again.

As a soldier he pursued victory, as a PM he pursued peace and made many steps towards it. His was the move to abandon Gaza strip taking all Jewish inhabitants from there. Since than (2005) the only Jew who has spent there considerable time was abducted soldier Gilad Shalit kept by Hamas for nearly 6 years and exchanged for over 1,000 convicted Palestinian terrorists.
He knew what was at stake and the fate of Israel and Jewish people, their well being, their safety, were always on his mind.

In his own words: "Before and above all else I am a Jew. My thoughts are dominated with the Jewish future."

He was a hero.

It is just worth noting that Palestinian authorities (not just ordinary people who do many things anywhere) are celebrating his death with joy in the same way as they did 9/11.

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