

“When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.” by Canada's PM Harper

Sunday 13 October 2013

Halt of construction materials being allowed into Gaza

Many of you may wonder on times about media writing about building materials not being allowed into Gaza. Why is that so? Is it true? What is wrong with building materials - certainly needed in highly populated area?
Well, it is like with a kitchen knife. There is nothing wrong with it and it is absolutely first need article that normally should be allowed for anybody, except when you are asked for it by somebody trying to murder you. If you were a prison guard and one of the inmates would ask for a kitchen knife I don't suppose you would treat him the same way you would have if you were a shopkeeper and a client would ask you for a kitchen knife, isn't it so?

Here is an answer to this riddle.

Hamas - being in power in Gaza - is the one to admit transports of goods send to Gaza via Israel (by Israel and all other parties). Palestinian terrorists from Hamas are the ones who try to infiltrate Israel to either kill or capture Israelis (during long captivity of captured soldier Gilad Schalit there have appeared disgusting posters in Gaza saying about how female soldier should be captured to keep him company).
Preparations to infiltrate Israel by terrorists include building tunnels like the one which was just discovered. Its construction included 24,000 concrete slabs delivered to Gaza by Israel and manufactured in Israel. They were supposed to help construct houses for civilians, but they were used to construct tunnel by Hamas terrorists. To kill those who gave the slabs in the first place.

Would you give a kitchen knife to your neighbor in need? Sure. Would you give a kitchen knife to somebody trying to kill you and making no secret of it? I don't think so.
Do you understand now WHY building materials are often not allowed into Gaza? It is an amazing goodwill of Israeli authorities (from my point of view of somebody not directly in danger of being killed just for who I am) that occasionally they are still delivered.

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