

“When Israel, the only country in the world whose very existence is under attack, is consistently and conspicuously singled out for condemnation, I believe we are morally obligated to take a stand.” by Canada's PM Harper

Friday 23 March 2012

The name "ISRAEL"

We all probably remember where does the name "Israel" first appear in scripture. It is in Genesis, chapter 32, verse 28. Jacob is wrestling with an angel (the identity of his opponent is another wonderful passage in the scripture but that is another story) and asks for the blessing, the blessing he has recieved in past under false name - that of his brother's. Now he says his real name but it is instantly changed.
Hebrew names in the Bible have meanings, they are not just names of people and places, they carry a deep meaning.
The name "Israel" given to Jacob - one of patriarchs - at this important moment means "one who wrestled with God and with people and was found able". What a name!!!!!
To wrestle in this context means to engage in relationship, not to leave, not to abandon, but to stand out.

When we look at the history of Israel (the people of the Book) it is history of standing out, teaching, passing God's word, being deliverers of God's truth.
It always was standing out - in politheistic word of ancient, in confrontation with Hellenistic world whose men-made and men-resambling gods were engaging in each and every human activity (jelousy, adultery, war, love, feasting and so on) but who did not (and obviously could not) pass the Truth, the ethic requirements, show the way. It was up to Israel to show it and deliver, and it wasn't met with gratefulness (at least in most cases). Israel was always lonely - in approach, in persecutions, in history. It was wrestling, with other peoples, with God who has chosen them for the very special task, with themselves. And Israel was found able.

It still is. As the people, as the faith and reservoir of God's word, as the country.....

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